Get the most from your data to help you make better business decisions

Powerful business intelligence

Businesses amass huge quantities of data over their lifetime; but what they do with that data can determine how successful they become. With the right data insights in place, make the right decision by identifying potential opportunities, areas of excessive costs and potential process bottlenecks.

Simple or complex - your choice

If your users need rapidly-deployed basic views and charts, Microsoft Dynamics 365 has an array of straightforward components used to create clear and meaningful dashboards. Need a more complex deep-dive into your data? Microsoft Power BI has you covered.

Solution Components

Below is a list of suggested components for this solution and can be tailored to suit your exact requirements:


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Solution Features

Stylish and intuitive visuals

Display your data using a wide range of elements, including charts, gauges and maps, giving you instant insights into your key performance indicators.

Connect to multiple data sources

Get the complete picture by bringing data from a range of systems, standardising their format and producing comprehensive reports and dashboards.

Real-time Dashboards

Need to quickly see how your department's day is going? Or how many new support cases have been submitted this week? Real-time Dynamics 365 views and dashboards give you an instant snapshot.

Paginated Reports

For those that need the detail, Power BI Paginated Reports give you the same data flexibility of the core Power BI product, but with the traditional output of multi-page reports.

Excel Templates

For those more accustomed to Microsoft Excel, detailed templates can be created that use Dynamics 365 as its primary data source and can simply be refreshed on demand.

Ask questions of your data

With drill-down and Q & A features, explore your data and identify anomalies and trends without the need for producing additional reports.

How we deliver our solutions

Project Implementation

Our team of Microsoft-certified experts will ensure your solution is delivered smoothly, efficiently and without compromising on functionality.

Software Licensing

Having the correct software licences not only ensures your business is compliant but means you are not paying more than you should.

Support Services

Our support services packages allow you to utilise our expertise in the way that best suits your business needs.