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After performing actions to free up storage, it can take up to 24 hours for the storage reporting to be updated. We would recommend waiting up to 24 hours and monitoring your storage. Also, storage consumed does not directly correspond to the size reported in Microsoft Dataverse; consumption includes additional storage for metadata and encryption. As an example, removing 10MB of storage from a file does not mean the file size is reduced by 10MB.
Although the options for deleting are somewhat technical, it is important that they are carried out periodically to ensure that data is not being consumed unnecessarily. If, after carrying out the appropriate options, storage capacity is still a problem, then are two final options:
- Purchasing additional database/file/log storage
- Identifying business data that is no longer required (for example, disqualified leads over five years old) and carrying out bulk deletion of this data.
Not only is staying on top of your data financially prudent, but it can also aid with system performance. If you are an existing Strategy 365 client and wish to discuss storage capacity options, get in touch with one of our experts today.