Get up & running with a CRM system in just five days or less

Our free guide will help you identify what you need to get a good CRM solution up and running as soon as possible – saving a considerable amount of time and costs!

Are too many spreadsheets, documents and email chains causing stress in your business?

Are customers starting to slip through the cracks with payments or contract renewals?

Are manual, inconsistent processes leading to frustration?

Do you need a CRM solution?

You might not think you need a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution, but if you’re making notes in Word, managing conversations in Outlook or using Excel to record data, you’ve already been using some form of CRM!

However, a truly effective solution collects all that data in one secure place, automates manual processes and ensures your business runs smoothly, saving time and boosting profits.

But with so many options out there, plenty of companies will try to sell you an all-singing, all-dancing, state-of-the-art solution that has everything any business could ever need. While this may sound tempting, this could lead to spiralling costs and take months to get something up and running.

Spreadsheet in shape

Our free guide will help you determine...

The tell-tale signs that it’s time to move to a dedicated CRM solution

You may have been relying on a lot of manual processes such as spreadsheets, emails, whiteboards, or multiple documents, but this way of working could actually be creating a lot more work for everyone involved, leading to inefficiencies. Our clients come from a range of industries and their businesses vary in size – but the problems they experience can often be very similar.

Use our checklist to identify if it’s time to seek an alternative solution.

What you really need from your CRM vs what might be sold to you

Many businesses we have spoken to believe, or have been told, that they need a full bells-and-whistles CRM solution right out of the gate, when in reality, that might not be the best fit for their business. An overblown CRM implementation can be the result of a CRM supplier selling additional product features that the client doesn’t need, or as a result of the client being confused as to the options available to them.

Use our guide to discover what features you actually need.

How to get a cost-effective CRM solution in just five days or less

Our guide will help you understand what your business needs right away, and how the key functionality of some of the CRM solutions available might make things a lot more straightforward than originally anticipated – not the other way around!

Learn what to look out for when selecting a CRM solution.

Download the guide

You may have been putting off looking into a CRM solution because of the perceived costs associated with getting one up and running. You might be asking yourself if you can afford to implement one, when the real question is: can you afford not to?

The initial costs to analyse your existing processes and move them to the new system can be swiftly recouped in saved time, efficiency gains, more sales, and ultimately – higher profits.

Our free guide will help you to identify what you need to get a good CRM solution up and running as soon as possible, which will save a considerable amount of time and costs!

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