
John Phillips

A View in Dynamics 365 is a grid populated a list of filtered records. There are three main types of views in Dynamics 365.

Public View – general purpose views. Some are included by default, such as Active and Inactive records, but these can be customised, and new ones created

System View – special views that are automatically created for each table to facilitate functionality within an app. These are:

  • Associated View – lists records for related tables
  • Advanced Find View – when an Advanced Find is carried out to search Dataverse data, this is the default view used to display the results
  • Lookup View – used to select a record when setting a lookup value on a form
  • Quick Find View – the default view used when carrying out a Quick Find search

Personal View – users can create their own Views using the Advanced Find tool and save them as personal views. These views are intended to show data that is only relevant to the user who created the view or any users that have had the View shared with them. If a View would be useful to all users, then it is recommended that it is created as a Public View instead.